Welcome Circles of Sharing

Share explorations and curiosity inspired by the Compass Conversation Podcast

Next Circle happens on:

October 20th at 11am PST.

We will look forward to seeing you.

“Welcome Circles” of Sharing

Our first Circle is scheduled for October 20th at 11am PST. Use the button above to RSVP!

Each Welcome Circle offers a brief space of silence to open the event, followed by a short passage and seed question read by one of our facilitators.

Each member of the circle will be welcome to share their reflection - some will be prompted by the seed question, others will share from their heart in a different way. Some participants may choose to pass and not speak at all. The value of these circles is presence, listening, hearing and learning, side-by-side.

The reading that will be shared at the beginning of the circle. You’ll find three seed questions at the bottom. Each participant may reflect on the seed question, or share what’s on their heart in the moment.

Curiosity and Flow State

Compass Conversations Episode 18 Welcome Circle 
Written By Krati Shah 
Edited by Kerri Lake

In the quantum world, we're all waves and particles. We are vibrations seeking coherence and harmony with other vibrations. Participating on that level, we flow from separation to wholeness to oneness. In the shared field of coherence, flow is a dynamic stillness.  

The ocean at the surface is very chaotic and the waves can be huge. On the surface we are being battered around. The depths of the ocean experience that dynamic stillness. Going deep, we can experience a more peaceful kind of movement. It feels timeless and quiet. At our own depths we experience less cognition and more sensation. The critical mind has less influence, and our thinking tends to recognize the rhythms of being, in silence where love is more easily felt. 

We are all here together and not separate. In a dynamic flow, awareness shifts to our innate connection with the rhythms of nature and animals. Senses are suddenly wide awake, moving and shifting to communicate different experiences when we travel through inner or outer worlds. With awareness, there is even a flow with the population of people around, the new experiences, the energy of the land, the buildings, and the energy that moves through all of life. And it feels so alive and so energized.

We are not meant to be just a consumer in a box. Be an explorer. We expand our human experience by riding our ups and downs like a surfer. Our outside world has the bells and the whistles and the distractions - awareness will bring us back to where the aliveness is! We are all here to flow together and not separately. We can experience the timeless quiet, and love, as a deep consciousness state of understanding.

Keep a sense of awe and wonder about life and our world, both within and without. Watch the sunrise in the morning. Orient to the pauses between your thoughts. Find the stillness in nature and flow with it. Life's purpose is to remember aliveness before social conditioning, before the programming existed, and decide consciously to engage the awareness of quantum flow, which is another way to speak of love.

Seed Questions:

1.Can you describe an incident in your life where you experienced the flow state?

2. What helps you to remain in the flow state or return to flow state once chaos sets in?

3. How does fearlessness relate to the flow state? What processes help you to address fear? 

ILF offers these gently facilitated circles in the spirit of community connection from an open heart. We value an approach to conversation described by appreciative inquiry - we look to amplify what we like and perpetuate what is working. The result tends to be a mutually created space of listening without judgment where all participants can feel safe to share a reflection. If you have more questions about how these Circles are conducted, please write to us.